EAC certification ( Customs Union )

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Customs Union Technical Regulations are coming into force for more and more products.

Regulations have been implemented that cover High pressure product ,Automobile parts ,Electrical and Safety , Machinery, Food, Textile ,EX products and more list of the regulations you can find hear Technical Regulations of the Customs Union ,although in some cases more than one Techincal Regulation may apply to the same product ,for example ,for Safety it could be 020+004 Technical Regulation and in this case only one certificate will be issued with all of them mentioned in to access all the country members -Belarus, Russia , Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan and Armenia. ( Members of the customs Union ) Learn more abuot EAC ( Customs Union )

All certified products should be marked with EAC compliance mark before placed on the market. Customs Union ( EAC ) Marking

Upon request, our experts will help you to prepare product labeling according to the rules of the customs union.

Please Note that Hygienic registration ( State Registration ) may also be required for chemical products as well food products, special products for infants, paints ,lubricants and others.

Most common types of EAC CU TR Certificates by categories is

CU TR 032
CU TR 012/201
FSB Notification
EAC RoHS /CU TR 037/Russia RoHS

EAC Certification:

Products in relation whereto mandatory requirements are set forth within the Customs Union framework are specified in the Customs Union technical regulations. Texts of all enacted technical regulations are available in the Regulatory Documents section.

Conformity is validated by acceptance of EAC Declarations or drafting of EAC Certificates. Some types of products also require drafting State Registration or FSS notification certificates.

TR Certification:

No longer acceptable, EAC certification for the products instead of TR National certificate

Products in relation whereto mandatory requirements are set forth within the national technical regulation framework are specified in national technical regulations. Texts of effective national technical regulation are available at Rosstandart site.

Conformity is validated by acceptance of TR Declarations or drafting of TR Certificates.

GOST R Certification:

The list of products in relation whereto mandatory requirements of national standards are set forth in provided in Regulation of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 982 «On Approval of the Unified List of Products Subject to Mandatory Certification and the Unified List of Products for which the Confirmation of Conformity is Made in the Form of a Declaration of Conformity» (Regulatory Documents).

Conformity is validated by acceptance of GOST R Declarations or drafting of GOST R Certificates.

Voluntary Certification:

The procedure of voluntary certification is similar to mandatory certification of compliance with national standards requirements (GOST R). The main difference thereof is that the voluntary certificate may be drafted also for products not subject to mandatory conformity validation. One should note that voluntary certification does not substitute the mandatory one.

To voluntarily confirm hygienic safety of products, one may draft an expert report of the Federal Service on Customers’ Rights Protection and Human Well-being Surveillance.

If one must documentary confirm that products are not subject to mandatory conformity validation one may draft a special document, the Refusal Letter.


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USA office:
Phone: +12396013208
Email: info@mintest.ru
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