"AZS" Conformity certificate. National Certification System (Azerbaijan Republic) |
Safety Certificate Azerbaijan /Radio Certificate Azerbaijan/telecommunication equipment certification Republic of Azerbaijan "AZS" Conformity certificate - Example The only document required at the stage of Customs clearance in Republic of Azerbaijan is AZS Certificate of Conformity, issued by State Agency of Standartization, Metrology and Patents. Certificate of Conformity could be issued on basis of documents submission and testing of samples. The list of items under Mandatory certification is similar to the Russian rules or to the rules of the Euroasian Econimc Union EAC certificate of conformity or certificate/report under IECEE CB scheme can be used as one of the basis for the Azerbaijan Certificate of Conformity , and availability of the EAС or CB simplifies the certification procedure for AZS certification All though,some other documents could be required, depending on the type of the equipment/ products – such as a Permit issued by the Ministry of Emergency, Ministry of Health etc., Radio certificate or Telecommunication certificate. Example of Radio Certificate Republic of Azerbaijan Documents required for Safety certification :
For the certification of the products subject to mandatory certifications as provided by legislative acts, the laws on standardization and consumer rights protection of the Republic of Azerbaijan and decrees of other states, the following documents are required:
1. Telecommunication equipment and devices which implement the function of switching system 1.1. Transit,destination and destination transit node equipment 1.1.1. International telephone exchanges 1.1.2. International switching centres 1.1.3. Long-distance telephone exchanges 1.1.4. Long-distance transit automatic switching node 1.1.5. Combined exchanges 1.1.6. Rural automatic telephone exchanges 1.1.7. Urban automatic telephone exchanges 1.2. Equipment with subscriber facilities 1.2.1. Digital subscriber concentrators 1.2.2. Office-production automatic telephone exchanges 1.3. Equipment enabling interzone, long-distance and international telephone communication service through telephone-operator 1.4. Node of emergency operative and inquiry office calls 1.5. Equipment of call service centres 1.6. Switching and routing equipment of the information package 1.7.Flexible swithcings 1.8.Telegraph exchanges 1.8.1. Telegraph exchanges or semi-exchanges 1.8.2. Telegraph information switching systems 1.9. Switching equipment of the mobile radio-telephone communication system 1.10. Switching equipment of the system with subscriber facilities
2. Telecommunication equipment and devices which implement the function of digital carrier system
2.1. Digital transmission systems with syncronous digit hierarchy 2.2. Analogue transmission system and digital transmission systems with the physical channels, tracts 2.3. Digital transmission systems with plesiochronous digit hierarchy 2.3.1. Channeling equipment with plesiochronous digit hierarchy 2.3.2. Trunking equipment of plesiochronous digit hierarchy time 2.3.3. Intermediate and destination points of plesiochronous digit hierarchy tract 2.3.4. Cross swithching equipment with plesiochronous digit hierarchy 2.4. Receiver-transmission devices for the fiber-optic and atmospheric fiber line transmission 2.5. Synchronous equipment for transmission of information 2.6. Digital TV and voice broadcasting systems 2.7. Tact network synchronization equipment
3. Management system and telecommunication equipment and devices implementing functions of monitoring
3.1. Automated management system and monitoring equipment of telecommunication networks 3.2. Management and monitorinq equipment of radio-relay telecommunication system
4. Equipment used for registration of servces rendered in the telecommunication networks of common use
4.1. Equipment for registration of duration of connection 4.2. Automated calculation system
5. Radio electronic telecommunication equipment and devices 5.1. Terrestrial stations of broadcasting and satellite network of local, interzone and backbone network of the single telecommunication network of the Republic of Azerbaijan 5.2. Radio-relay communication systems 5.2.1. Analogue-digital radio-relay communication system 5.2.2. Digital radio-relay systems with synchronous digit hierarchy 5.2.3. Radio-relay communication systems with plesiochronous digit hierarchy 5.2.4. Analogue radio-relaycommunication system 5.3. Base stations and retransmitters of the cellular radiotelephone communication system 5.4. Base stations and retransmitters of the subscriber radio facility system 5.5. Radio broadcasting systems 5.6. TV broadcasting systems 5.7. Radio facilities equipment, excluding the equipment which has no access to the telecommunication network of common use and that considered for the access to the technological or isolated telecommunication network 6. Telecommunication equipment and software which provide implementation of certain measures of operational-search activities 6.1. The equipment and software which provide implementation of certain measures of operational-search activities and operate together with swiching systems 6.2. The equipment and software which provide implementation of certain measures of operational-search activities and operate together with digital carrier systems 6.3. The equipment and software which provide implementation of certain measures of operational-search activities and operate together with telematics service systems. 7. End cable equipment, end telecommunication equipment, telecommunication cables and conductors, electrical feeding equipment of the telecommunication network of common use 7.1. End cable equipment 7.1.1. Distributing devices 7.1.2. Boxes 7.1.3. Cable boxes 7.1.4. Containers 7.1.5. Subscriber protection devices 7.1.6. Crosses (optical and electrical) 7.1.7. Plinths, optic trailers 7.1.8. Cable boxes, connectors (optical and electrical) 7.1.9. Protection devices for surge in currents in the cable and crosses 7.1.10. Compressor-signal devices 7.2. End telecommunication devices 7.2.1. Telephone devices of different complexity, as well as mobile telephone devices 7.2.2. Fax machines and computers to operate in the telecommunication network of common use 7.2.3. Pay-phones 7.2.4. Additional devices for the end telecommunication equipment 7.3. Telecommunication cables and conductors 7.3.1. Optical telecommunication cables 7.3.2. High-frequency symmetric telecommunication cables 7.3.3. Coaxial telecommunication cables 7.3.4. Metal cables for urban and rural telecommunication network 7.3.5. Telecommunication conductors 7.4. Electrical feeding equipment 7.4.1. Fixed accumulators for the telecommunication institutions 7.4.2. Electrical feeding devices and the equipment of which they comprise. Information about required documents and charges during accessing to the Azerbaijan market According to the Decision No. 263 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, on approval of the "Rules for declaring the goods and means of transport conveyed across the customs border", following documents are necessary in importation to Azerbaijan's customs territory:
Customs declaration; Contract confirming the realization of foreign trade or document confirming person's rights of possession, use and (or) disposal of goods, or any other document; Transportation documents depending on the mode of transport when the goods and means of transport are conveyed; Where customs representation is carried out directly or indirectly, document confirming the relevant authorization by person; Where goods are subject to customs charges, document confirming their extinguishment or the provision of guarantee for customs debt; Document confirming declared customs value of imported goods; Special permit document (license) for the importation of plant protection means, agrochemical substances, and precursors;
Certificate of conformity, when the goods subject to mandatory certification are imported to customs territory; imported to customs territory; Hygiene certificate, when food products are imported to customs territory; Import quarantine permission, when plants and plant products are imported to customs territory; The document certifying the origin of the goods indicated in customs declaration; Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan or opinions of the appropriate state agencies respectively, when the goods specified in the annexes 1 and 2 of the "Rules on regulating import-export operation in the Republic of Azerbaijan", approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, No. 609, dated 24 June 1997, are brought into or taken out of the customs territory; Appropriate pen-nit documents, when the goods restricted to be brought into or taken out of the customs territory by the Article 215 of the Customs Code, the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on "the List of the items which might belong to a certain participants of the civil turnover and are allowed to be in civil turnover based on special permit (with restricted civil turnover)", as well as the decisions of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, are conveyed across the customs border; Special permit document during the export, import, re-export, re-import and transit of the goods which are subject to export control. According to the Decision No. 80 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On custom duties and custom clearance fees in export-import operations of the Republic of Azerbaijan" of April 12th 2001, import tariff rates are as follows in Azerbaijan:
Mandatory Azerbaijan certification list of a product for safety certification Azerbaijan /EMC certification Azerbaijan (PDF, 50.39 КБ KB) |