Schemes of validating conformity to the Customs Union Technical Regulations

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State registration, certification or declaration of products’ conformity to requirements of the Customs Union technical regulations’ requirements uses special (generic) schemes approved by Resolution No. 621 of the Customs Union Commission «On regulation on Procedures for Application of Model Schemes of Conformity Assessment (Confirmation) with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union».

For details on possibility of applying the specific procedure to the specific products, see relevant Technical Regulations of the Customs Union.

Customs Union Generic Certification Schemes

Scheme # Product testing Production assessment Inspection control Application Document confirming compliance
1C Testing of product samples Analysis of the production condition Product sample tests and (or) production condition analysis For serial produced products

Applicant — manufacturer, including foreign, in the presence of a person authorized by a manufacturer in the territory of Customs Union
Compliance certificate for serially manufactured products
2C Testing of product samples Management systems certification Testing of product samples and management system supervision
3C Testing of product samples For products batch (single unit)

Applicant — manufacturer, (supplier) including foreign
Compliance certificate for product batch
4C Single unit testing Compliance certificate for single unit
5C Examination of the project of the product Analysis of the production condition Product sample tests and (or) production condition analysis For serial produced products, if confirming compliance to requirements upon testing of finished products to a full extent is not possible or difficult

Applicant — manufacturer, (supplier) including foreign, in the presence of a person authorized by a manufacturerиin the territory of Customs Union
Compliance certificate for serially manufactured products
6C Examination of the project of the product Management systems certification Testing of product samples and management system supervision
7C Examination (testing) of type Analysis of the production condition Product sample tests and (or) production condition analysis For complex products intended for serial and mass production as well as in case large number of different modifications of product are planned to be produced

Applicant — manufacturer, including foreign, in the presence of a person authorized by a manufacturer in the territory of Customs Union
Compliance certificate for serially manufactured products
8C Examination (testing) of type Management systems certification Testing of product samples and management system supervision
9C On the basis of analysis of technical documentation For limited volume batch supplied by foreign producer or for complex products intended for supply by companies within the territory of the Customs Union

Applicant — manufacturer, including foreign, in the presence of a person authorized by a manufacturer in the territory of Customs Union
Compliance certificate for limited volume batch

Customs Union Generic Declaration Schemes

Scheme # Product testing Production assessment Inspection control Application Document confirming compliance
1D Testing of product samples is conducted by manufacturer Production control is conducted by manufacturer For serial produced products

Applicant — manufacturer of the Customs Union member-state or person authorized by foreign manufacturer within the Customs Union territory
Declaration of conformity for serially manufactured products
2D Product batch (single unit) testing conducted by Applicant For product batch (single unit)

Applicant — manufacture, seller (supplier) of the Customs Union member-state or a person authorized by foreign manufacturer within the Customs Union territory
Declaration of conformity for product batch (single unit)
3D Testing of product samples in accredited testing laboratory (center) Production control is conducted by manufacturer For serial produced products

Applicant — manufacturer of the Customs Union member-state or person authorized by foreign manufacturer within the Customs Union territory
Declaration of conformity for serially manufactured products
4D Product batch (single unit) testing in accredited testing laboratory (center) For product batch (single unit)

Applicant — manufacture, seller (supplier) of the Customs Union member-state or a person authorized by foreign manufacturer within the Customs Union territory
Declaration of conformity for product batch (single unit)
5D Examination (testing) of type Production control is conducted by manufacturer For serial produced products

Applicant — manufacturer of the Customs Union member-state or person authorized by foreign manufacturer within the Customs Union territory
Declaration of conformity for serially manufactured products
6D Testing of product samples in accredited testing laboratory (center) Management systems certification and inspection control by Management systems certification body Production control is conducted by manufacturer Declaration of conformity for serially manufactured products

Generic Schemes of Product State Registration

Product testing Production assessment Industrial control Notes Document confirming safety
Testing of product samples and examination of documentation Conducted by manufacturer Applicant — manufacturer (producer) supplier (importer) Certificate of state registration
Testing of product samples and examination of documentation Analysis of production conditions Conducted by manufacturer Applicant — manufacturer (producer) Certificate of state registration


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  +7 499 409-63-69
USA office:
Phone: +12396013208
address: 7961 Gladiolus Dr. 104, Fort Myers Florida 33908 ,USA

On regulation on Procedures for Application of Model Schemes of Conformity Assessment (Confirmation) with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union (PDF, 197.77 КБ KB)