Documents for Russian FSB notification (Federal Security Bureau notification) |
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![]() Defining the concept of an apostille. Apostille - International standardized form filling in the information on the legality of the document for presentation on the territory of countries that recognize this form of legalization. It is a special sign of the size of 9X9 cm (Apostille mark in different countries differ in appearance) with a notary stamp to put down the sign. This mark certifies the authenticity of the document is recognized by the authorities of all participating States of the Hague Convention (Apostille can be put down in Hong Kong but it is impossible in China because China did not participate in the Hague Convention), and eliminates the need for additional legal assurances. To view examples of legalized apostelem trusted FSB decorated in different countries (you must click on the link and scroll to the bottom of the page and select the country of your interest). Why do I need an apostille on the power of attorney from the manufacturer? The presence of an apostille on the notification is a type of legalization of documents (printing, stamp and signature) on the territory of its aktualiziruyuzim Rosskiyskoy Federation and does not require additional supporting action. When making a notification of an Apostille is necessary in order to the competent authority (TSLSZ FSB) could be sure that the power of attorney from the manufacturer, provided by the applicant, is authentic. As required certification signature, seal and identity of the signatory (to verify the signatory powers). The appearance of an apostille. The standard form of the Apostille should carry the following information:
The official language in the preparation of an apostille is one of the languages of the Convention - English or French. But often, when filling the Apostille Convention duplicated language language of the country, apostille. In case of registration of power of attorney for the Center for Licensing Certification and Protection of State Secrets of the Federal Security Service (FSB TSLSZ) apostille must be affixed to the power of attorney from the manufacturer. Since 2016 legalized power of attorney as may be required to provide technical characteristics of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Radio Frequency Center of the Central Federal District (" FSUE "RFC CFA"). In some cases, there is no need Apostille? Yes If the manufacturer is registered in the territory of the Customs Union, the need for the legalization of documents is eliminated. ![]() |
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